If you've ever experienced losing your job, you know it can be a very stressful time.
Not only for you but for your entire family.
I quickly started the job-hunting process but quickly realized I was out of luck. With COVID-19 running rampant, not many companies were hiring.
However, as stressed as I was, part of me was thankful to have a moment to reflect and to figure out what I really wanted during the in-between.
So, I took out a piece of paper and wrote out my burning desires...
✔I wanted to start my own business
✔I wanted to work on my own terms
✔I wanted to work from home
✔I wanted to be my own boss
✔I wanted FULL control of my income
I knew it would be a tall order to fill - especially with no real plan in place.
And the more research I did, the more I realized it came down to two options:
Option #1: Brick & Mortar Business (aka Retail, Restaurant...etc.) The problem with that of course is the lack of capital it takes. Not to mention, the amount of TIME it takes. And lastly, this option was NOT "pandemic proof"; meaning, no control if the government were to call for another shutdown.
Option #2: Online Business (aka MLM, eCommerce...etc.) The problem is having to be tech-savvy enough to build a website, and learn how to advertise to it. That's difficult to do quickly and requires lots of capital as well.
However, I need a much faster option that didn't require insane amounts of capital to get started.
The clock was running out.
The bills were piling up.
And not a single callback to interview.
I was at my breaking point and decided to take a different route home from picking up my son from school.
That's when I drove past...